Debbie Johnson Angelic Messages or the growth of a mediumship expert

Debbie Johnson or the upsurge of a psychic medium professional? The benefits of Reiki are wide ranging, helping to develop emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This makes Reiki an ideal treatment for anxiety, as well as other mental illnesses, as the practice induces a deep sense of relaxation, which helps people to cope with various difficulties and relieve emotional stress. Readings serve as guidance. It is ultimately up to you what you choose to do with the information. For LEGAL purposes, readings serve as entertainment only. All medical and psychological questions should also be directed to professionals in those fields. Debbie Johnson is not responsible for the decisions you ultimately make, but simply offers guidance from the spirit.

I know everyone talks about songs getting stuck in their head… but when you’re a medium it’s a whole different experience! The songs spirit plays in my head are usually nothing I have heard lately or ever. First I have to figure out, is this song for me or someone else? And sometimes that can take weeks. But I will continue to hear the song in my mind until the real message comes through…

What Kind of Medium is Debbie Johnson? You might be wondering if it would be better to consult a medium or a psychic for your spiritual healing needs. There is a distinct difference. Though a medium is also considered a psychic, a psychic is not always a medium. A regular psychic cannot tap into the spiritual or Angelic realm, and therefore can only read the energy of the subject themselves. A medium, meanwhile, takes the process a step further, with the ability to tune in not just to the subject’s own energy, but to the spiritual energy around the subject, often in the form of passed on souls who were important to the subject in life, spirit guides, and even Angels. Find even more info on Debbie Johnson.

She began to see spirits as a small child, but when she spoke up about it, she was told to stop making up stories because no one saw what she saw. Being raised in a Southern Baptist household, her gift was repressed. It started to come back in her 20s when she began to write music and then got even stronger when she studied Reiki. During Reiki sessions, Debbie not only saw and heard human spirits, she also witnessed the magnificence of the Archangels and their abilities to help others. She would not have believed it, had she not seen it with her own eyes. At that time, she began to work along with the Angelic Realm. She is available for Readings that include clearing and healing via phone and Skype, as well as in person.

Not everyone is sure on how to go about proper meditation, however. That’s why many people consult professional meditation guides or take meditation classes. If you’ve looking for the benefits of a professional, guided meditation, while remaining in the comfort of your own home, on the flexibility of your schedule, Debbie Johnson’s Guided Meditation MP3s can be used as needed. The frequencies of certain sounds act like tuning forks for the human body. Each frequency resonates with a different body part, as well as different emotional states. When the body receives a sound at the right frequency, the energy from it transfers to your body and lines it up to the vibration it needs to heal.

Debbie Johnson is a medium who has been working with the angelic realm and clients all over the world for over 18 years. She brings messages from your angels to you by channeling Archangels, passed loved ones, spirit guides, and healing. Debbie’s Mission: “My GOAL…is to help you hear them better on your own. The more we understand how the spirit world communicates, the more we can access this wisdom on our own in our daily lives.”